Tectonics:Crustal Structure of the Mesopotamian Plain, East of Iraq

发布时间:2021-09-15 放大 缩小

Abstract: The crustal structure of Iraq was investigated through analyzing teleseismic data from 12 new seismic stations. Three seismic stations are located within the Zagros FoldThrust Belt, and nine are within the Mesopotamian Plain. Joint inversion of P wave receiver function and Rayleigh wave dispersion data were employed to resolve S wave velocity structure models beneath each station. Combining these models with available Moho depths within and around the study area reveals that the Moho depth is smoothly increasing from the Arabian platform toward the Zagros Mountains. An exceptional deeper root is observed near the eastern edge of the Mesopotamian Plain where sedimentary pile is the thickest. This root was interpreted as a structure inherited from the successive Mesozoic rifting of the NE Arabian platform enhanced by sedimentary loading and progressive subsidence. A lowvelocity uppermost mantle was observed beneath the Arabian Foredeep attesting the existence of a lowstrength lithospheric mantle beneath the region southwest from the Zagros deformation front. The weak rheology of the uppermost mantle may have allowed local sinking of the crust and deepening of the Moho boundary due to vertical loading and the Late Miocene lateral contraction. 