国际会议通知:CBGA 2018 - Austria

发布时间:2018-03-05 放大 缩小

 CBGA - 2018

Welcome to CBGA 2018 the conference of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association to be held all four years. CBGA 2018 is aimed bring together geoscientists from southeastern Europe with geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth sciences. CBGA 2018 aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present and discuss their recent research work and ideas with experts in all fields of geosciences. CBGA 2018 is to be held 1013 September 2018 at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria.

We are looking forward to see you in Salzburg in late summer 2018!


Franz Neubauer

On behalf of the CBGA Council and organisers

GT7-1 (link)

Tethys-releated tecronics in southern Eurasia

Convenors: Yongjiang Liu, Bo Wan, Wenjiao Xiao, Fuyuan Wu & Franz Neubauer


The southern part of the Eurasian continent records a more than 500 Ma-year long evolutionary history related to opening and closure of various Tethyan oceans including the Proto-, Paleo- and Neotethys oceans, which produced finally the huge Alpine-Himalaya orogenic belt. The session aims to trace and correlate, along-strike of the Tethyan belt, various geological processes from rifting to drifting, oceanic plate subduction, arc magmatism, continental collision, extrusion tectonics, surfacec uplift, and formation of related sedimentary basins between Europe and Asia. A further aim is to correlate the early geological processes of Proto- and Paleotethys with such within the Paleo-Asian Ocean. These versatile geologic records may help us to understand fundamental questions in geodynamics, magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary geology of the southern Eurasian continent. We, therefore, encourage all researchers to submit contributions to our session, which are related to the tectonic evolution of southern Eurasian continent.


Post-EX1 (link)

Transect across the Eastern Alps, Fri 14. - Mon 17. September 2018

Guide: Johann Genser & Franz Neubauer

The four-day excursion is aimed to present an overview on tectonic units, classical outcrops and recent research results in a N-S section across the Eastern Alps, from Salzburg to the northernmost Southalpine unit. Particular attention will be on formation of the Triassic passive margin and the progressive Cretaceous to Neogene nappe stack and stages of orogenic collapse. The excursion will touch the southern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, the internal structure (nappe stack and extensional allochthons) of Austroalpine units, the Penninic units of the Tauern window, the Periadriatic fault and the Neogene basin related to it and the Southalpine units of the Carnic Alps and the Karawanken Mts.